Sunday, March 16, 2008

let's put our heads together, and start a new country...

march is a horrible month. it just is. it's long, it's dreary, it's almost spring but it's still cold and rainy. plus, with the time change last weekend, i have felt even more tired than usual. although it's nice to have light in the evening, even if only so i don't have to worry about being run over when i get off the bus after work...

yesterday afternoon, i went to the seattle art museum. i've been meaning to go to the roman art exhibit, but i hadn't yet. it was really fascinating. i will be the first to admit that i normally have a very short attention span for art museums, but i spent over two hours just in that exhibit! and i want to go back because i'm sure there are things i missed. the exhibit is called "roman art from the louvre," and the artwork is from as far back as the first century BC. it's amazing to look at a sculpture and realize that someone made it in 2 AD, or whatever. incredible. but now i have to add the louvre to my list of places i want to go. i've never particularly wanted to travel to paris, but now i think i do, just to go there.

i watched last week's episode this weekend, and am now thoroughly confused. first, i am not convinced that jin is dead. the show obviously made it seem that jin's story line was a flashBACK while sun's was a flashFORWARD. but i'm not sure of that. maybe he is working for ben, like sayid and micheal (how awesome is it that micheal is the "man on the boat?" i KNEW it!).

it also occurred to me that many of the characters' names are taken from philosophers who dealt with the question of free will. we have rousseu, desmond hume, john locke. i don't know much about philosophy, but the show becomes really interesting when you think of it as posing the question, do we have free will or are our lives determined by fate? (yes, i realize i am thinking too much about this). thinking about it this way, desmond becomes the most important character, because he's the one who has so far done all the "time traveling." remember that episode when he first went back into the past and met the lady who told him that he has to go back to the island, because it is what has to be, and you can't change fate. but desmond seems to start rejecting that idea when in "the constant," when he goes back to the past, gets penney's phone number, and then calls her from the island. he wants to fix what he did wrong in the past. the question is, can he do that?

and to make it all a little bit more complicated in my brain, i found an article online about someone named benjamin libet (hmm.. similar to benjamin linus??). he was an american scientist who devised an experiment where people would have EEG's placed on their heads while they did a simple task - such as pushing a button. basically, what he concluded is that there is brain activity before awareness of action. so, there is no such thing as free will. hmmm....


Kristine Rosenborg said...

OOHH! You checked it out? I have been wanting to see it. I haven't even been to SAM since it has reopened!

Kristine Rosenborg said...

Fucking brilliant! I agree that I think Desmond at this point is one of the most important people on the show. AND I TOTALLY think that philosophy is tied in. I think that is why I personally love the show. Do we makes our own choices or does it all come down to fate? I also love the struggle of good will and bad will. Jack and John's different approaches to science and faith. Gosh, I can go on about this!!!!!!!!!!!