Tuesday, February 26, 2008

did you fall on your way?

so i thought i might make a post about something else i'm obsessed with: the red sox. when i was a kid, my dad and i used to take a trip once a summer to fenway park to see a game. if you've never been to fenway park, it's magical (see fever pitch, the movie based partly on the book by the brilliantly hilarious nick hornby). so anyway, last year when the red sox won the world series, i was really happy. and i found this website around that time - http://www.outincenterfield.com - and now, with spring training about to begin, i decided to have a look at it again. even if you don't like the red sox, i think that the way she writes is quite entertaining. plus, she posts lots of pictures, and baseball players are not bad looking. i am sure that part of my love for the red sox is borne out of a fascination with boston. if i ever were to move from seattle, i think it would be to boston. it's a great city. plus, boston accents crack me up. as a matter of fact, i hope that pearl jam or the frames play in boston, so that i can justify a trip there this summer. haha

i am so tired - the week has felt like a month. i don't know why, but it has. maybe that's why i totally did not get lost tonight. what is going on??! i liked that it focused on desmond, but he spent too much of the episode in short hair. past desmond is not nearly as cute as future desmond. against my better judgement, i closed my eyes and ended up falling asleep and missed a little bit - what was going on with the auction? so penny's father bought some mysterious journal from the black rock ship? hmmm... so some people are able to time travel, but there are "side effects" ? i love that. i have to think about it some more..

i have my hotel reservation booked for vancouver, my plane reservations for san francisco in april.. i am so excited! eddie vedder, plus 2 swell season shows coming up! march is going to be very long.. plus, right after i get back from vancouver, my parents and i are going to go to memphis. i've always wanted to go to graceland.


Kristine Rosenborg said...

MEGAN! I also love the Red Soxs. And it started with a show. Ally Mcbeal. Which is all in Boston. I hahe I've always wanted to go to Boston to see them play, and to wander around the city. Let's go!!! I think it looks pretty around the fall. Haha, at least on Ally Mcbeal fall looked pretty with the lights up on the old streets!

Kristine Rosenborg said...

On LOST, I really enjoyed Desmond's story. AND YOU ROCK for thinking it was time travel. I totally missed that part about the journal. I am sure it is going to come up sooner or later. I think Penny's dad has some important part... Like he knows about the island or has invested into for money or something odd like that...
Gosh, Desmond better not die.

megan said...

oh wow, let's go!! i would totally love to. boston is awesome. have you ever been there??

megan said...

maybe penny's dad is really ben? ooh, that would be brilliant!

Kristine Rosenborg said...

No, I haven't been to Boston yet! I have been wanting to go for awhile now!!! Fall? Maybe?
Oh my god! Penny's dad being Ben?!?
That would be possible with all this time travel!!!! Like he is older. And he did send Desmond to the island... Sort of! Brilliant!!!